Architecture as a Catalyst for Life

Architecture as a Catalyst for Life

David Kirkland is an architect, designer and co-founder of Kirkland Fraser Moor. He is also a photographer and co-founder of d-lab, a creative design lab which pushes boundaries and is inspiring a new generation of architects and designers. We discuss biomimicry, primitive design, architectural education, the Eden Project, Para Homes and much more. This is also a call for a “flourishing”, over and above just “sustainability”.

Our built environment creates about 40% of our carbon emissions, and architects are at the forefront of helping solve this. His belief is that architects have a huge opportunity here, with head in the clouds but feet firmly on the ground, to think laterally to minimise this. For him, it is all about Life, with a capital L.

This is also a call for more beauty, and awe in our world. A respect for our planet.

Can Biophilic Design help Climate Change?

Can Biophilic Design help Climate Change?

Alexander Verbeek is Policy Director of the EDRC (the Environmental Development Resource Centre in Brussels), he is an environmentalist, public speaker, diplomat and former strategic policy advisor at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I came to know Alexander through his independent newsletter The Planet (published on Substack). We spoke during COP26, Alexander was also speaking at the conference, but with Biophilic Design being such an important solution in the built environment to some of the climate issues, I wanted to speak with Alexander to hear his thoughts on how the climate crisis is shaking the foundations of life on our planet across the world.

So listen on, he sets the scene, starting with his early life camping in nature with his family, right through to his work on climate change as a spokesperson and diplomat. We also talk about COP26, and he discusses how climate change is impacting global security and that “there is no time to lose”, we need visionary leaders, more diplomats, and a system change. We introduce Biophilic Design solutions in cities and how this can help. “I am fully behind what you do”, he says. He says that in a recent survey it was found that 10% of youth in the UK over the past year did not spend even a minute in nature. This is not hiking up mountains, but even in a city park. He calls for proper education programmes in schools where we should learn to understand and respect nature. He also says, when we build a home or a new neighbourhood, we should plant trees, these are the best carbon capture and storage that the world has ever designed. This should not be perceived as a luxury, but as essential. We discuss how trees in cities have enormous positive impact on our psychological welbeing but also how with climate change impacting our built environment so harshly, tress can help cities withstand the heatwaves. He also raises the fact that poorer neighbourhoods often have less trees, which of course impacts on so many aspects of the lives. Design should include this synergy with nature, we should be closer to nature in our every day lives, so we are much more prepared to deal with the new demands on us in our rapidly changing climate. We will be seeing more extreme heatwaves, heavier downpours. We need environments to help sustain life.

This is very much a wake up call for Biophilic Design solutions in our built environment to help deal with the climate crises.

A Dose of Nature

A Dose of Nature

From studying the fragile ecosystems supporting the threatened lives of gibbons, Professor Helen Chatterjee is combining that understanding of evolution and conservation, with her practice of raising awareness of the importance of sustainable green environments which can be used as “nature prescriptions” for us, especially if we live in inner cities.

Access to quality spaces is vital to our mental and physical wellbeing. She shares with us her personal story, as well as an impassioned call for the need to try to encourage social prescribing of nature-based solutions from GPs and healthcare workers. Whether it’s a walk in the park, gardening, or other connections with nature, there is extensive evidence for the bio, psycho and social health benefits to us.

Third Age Biophilic Design

Third Age Biophilic Design

How should care homes be designed? Should the places we spend the end of our lives be clinical and bland, or should they be places that are beautiful, inspiring and actually are something we look forward to going to. As Lori says in this interview, "you don't stop living just because you're in a care home, in fact you should start living better".

Lori Pinkerton-Rolet is a force of good, she is director of Park Grove Design, which focuses on creating comfortable spaces for our third age. In fact she also has a podcast, which I recommend you look up, In our podcast together here, we talk about the origin of the Care Home is still stuck in its original format, that of a "hospital", and she shares with us some thought-leader suggestions on how we can design better spaces to create homes that are better..

Let there be Light... and Circadian Rhythms

Let there be Light... and Circadian Rhythms

How much do we love to be outside on a fresh bright day, clear blue sky, gentle breeze on our skin, fresh air in our lungs? Our whole body seems rejuvenated and reborn. Well, it's not just all in the mind, it is a physical reaction too. Living in harmony with nature and natural rhythms as we can, keeps us happy and healthy. Eloise Sok-Paupardin, occupant experience and sustainability lead for SageGlass, discusses how important natural light is, how views are essential to our wellbeing as well as regulation of temperature, and more.

When we mess up the natural rhythms of the day by using too much of the same brightness and colour light for hours and hours a day, we mess up our internal body clock.

Eloise demonstrates the new Sageglass technology, an intelligent glass that reacts to sunlight, and which can be manually activated to reduce glare, heat through the glass, vary the amount of sunlight, etc, while still maintaining views outside.

This a really interesting video and podcast, as Eloise stresses the need for everyone's "right to light" and how it is important to create beautiful and good design, but never at the price of the planet…

The COP26 Nature Pilgrimage

The COP26 Nature Pilgrimage

Loss of biodiversity, loss of productivity of our lands, emergence of new disease threats, now, here in 2021 we are on a tipping point. COP26 is a focus of concerns and we hope action. Glen Cousquer is a lecturer on the MSc and MVetSci programmes in One Health and Conservation Medicine at the University of Edinburgh. This podcast expounds a passionate philosophy on how we should educate and collaborate, as well as understand and co-exist with our natural world, our home.

We talk about a Biotic and a wider connection to life. How Biophilic Design is a physical incarnation of that connection. How COP26 will see multiple generations speaking out more clearly than ever across our global village. We are seeing the emergence of a new discourse and Glen’s advocation of “Awareness Based Action Research” which he teaches, which is a fast-cycle learning through deeper listening, using humility and empathy. Glen also describes the COP26 Pilgrimage…

The Power of Sound

The Power of Sound

Julian Treasure is a leading Ted Speaker and founder of The Sound Agency. We catch up with him to talk about how sound affects us on four different levels: physiologically, psychologically, cognitively and behaviourally. He discusses dynamic biophilic soundscapes and how we can use nature in improving acoustics and how we should be using good sonic design and aural architecture to make the places we work in, learn in and heal in, better.

Complex Patterns, Biodiversity & Nature Views

Complex Patterns, Biodiversity & Nature Views

Environmental Psychology is the study of the relationship between people and their physical environment. They look at how psychological processes (emotions, behaviours and cognitions) are place-related and place-dependent. In other words, they look at how environments influence people -- as well as on how people influence the environment. We speak to Melissa Marselle, academic, writer and environmental psychologist about patterns in nature and how creating a biodiverse environment has positive impact not just on the natural world but also us as human beings and our cognitive and physical health. We also speak about Goldilocks...

Sustainable Architecture and Biophilic Design

Sustainable Architecture and Biophilic Design

What happens when conservation and sustainable design come together? It naturally seems to manifest itself in Biophilic Design. We all know that the benefits of designing with our natural environment in mind, are many: not only in terms of our own physical and mental health, but also to lessen the impact on our beautiful planet. Our built environment has such an important impact on our daily lives that we should be mindful when we are designing urban spaces, civic architecture and homes. ..

Biophilic Design in the Ancient World

Biophilic Design in the Ancient World

Yes, you read that correctly! Over 2000 years ago the Romans were designing homes with outdoor spaces and were also creating virtual nature walls. They had ambitions to create healthier cleaner air, wanted improved scents and less noise pollution specifically to improve health and wellbeing. I speak with Dr Patty Baker, about her research on identifying the connection between Roman conceptions of “pure air” and physical and mental health in Pompeiian gardens, and especially on the mutli-sensory approach the Romans took to ancient medicine…

Beyond the Workplace Zoo

Beyond the Workplace Zoo

We’ve not been in our respective “Workplace Zoos” for over a year now as a result of “Lockdown” and we’ve got an opportunity RIGHT NOW to improve those spaces we work in. So argues Dr Nigel Oseland, who many of you might know as the inquisitive environmental psychologist, behaviourist, statistics sleuth, author, agent of change and broadcaster. Nigel argues that contrary to some workplace strategists (and employers worried about the bottom line) we should NOT get rid of space, instead we should make the most of it. Reduce the desks yes, but not the space. He describes how we should be…

Creating an Office to Love. The Biophilic Office Project - Part 1

Creating an Office to Love. The Biophilic Office Project - Part 1

How do we create an office that people are going to love to come to? During the Covid pandemic most of us worked from home and now Lockdown is easing, we are looking at a hybrid workplace solution. Thing is, the office is a place where people come together to collaborate. How do you design a space that people are going to want to come back to? People also need contact, but also comfort. Integrating the experience and comfort of a home into the office design concepts. We visited the bre (Building Research Establishment) “Biophilic Office” project to report on where they are with it and what the installation features include, and why they’ve made certain changes…

Designing for Extremes

Designing for Extremes

Designing for extremes for the benefit of the mean, creates a solution that’s good for us all. 69-90% of our time at work is focussed on what we call, “deep work”, as little as 40-10% on collaborative activities. Of course depends on your job, but that’s some averages that are worth considering. Having 15 minutes to recharge is really important. Somewhere which gives you acoustic relief as well as some “you” time is important, somewhere you don’t have to be “on” or be in the spotlight or be judged. Personalising your workspace is really important, and this is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that we’ve discussed how human-centric design is paramount to creating better places for us to work in…

Oliver Heath - Designing a Healthy Home

Oliver Heath - Designing a Healthy Home

“100 ways to transform your space for physical and mental wellbeing” so reads the strapline for Oliver Heath’s new book “Design a Healthy Home”. Oliver is an industry recognised expert in the field of sustainable architectural and interior design, he's presented on BBC, ITV, C4, Discovery Channel and more. Biophilic Design is more than just a plant on our desk, it is an exciting systems-based way of recognising that every choice, every purchase, every activity, every decision has an impact on our health, our wellbeing our environment and planet…



This is a bonus podcast based on Environmental Psychology where we interview Dr Sally Augustin to pick up advice on home design. We look at our homes from the point of view of a New Season and that it brings with it itchy feet or a desire to spring clean and switch up the interiors of your home. Maybe this year more than ever we've been in Lockdown for months now, all over the world, we've had time to look at the four walls we are living and working in, and we either love them or loathe them!

Biophilic Design in the New Workplace

Biophilic Design in the New Workplace

Creating New Environments with Plants and Biophilic Design - Personalisation of space is a key message in this podcast with Kenneth Freeman, Biophilic Design and horticultural consultant. He shares with us, tips on how Biophilic Design supports and benefits the whole person, how it enhances a whole sensory environment. Some designers might separate off those elements from Biophilic Design, but they are all an integral part, including views, improved acoustics, lighting, ergonomics and when used together provides us with an holistic solution. It's all about comfort…

Technobiophilia - Life, Nature and Technology

Technobiophilia - Life, Nature and Technology

There are many metaphors of nature in cyber space which we use without even thinking about it: clouds, streams, webs, and so on. Dr Sue Thomas has conducted research on how we can use technology to enhance our connection with nature. In this podcast we talk about how the huge amount of research and environmental science data has shown the benefits of nature on our wellbeing, including reducing blood pressure and other measurable benefits. Sue has also studied research on the effects of engaging with nature on devices, through technology, such as watching wildlife shows and even playing video games. She shares her concept of Technobiophilia. We talk about a real mix of things, ideas you can do on your commute or at your office desk, from plants, to stones, alpacas on Instagram, Farmville, live streams from eagles nests, fixed nature webcams, and lots more...

Your Life Nature

Your Life Nature

When was the last time you took a “nature break”? Hobie Hare, founder of “Your Life Nature” encourages us not only to take some time and get out into nature but also to bring Biophilia into our homes, with reminders of positive emotions, maybe it’s seashells from the beech, or a photograph that conjures an emotion that resonates with you…

Planted Cities

Planted Cities

There’s an awesome event coming up in London which you should attend if you can. Planted Cities. It is going to be held in one of London’s greatest regeneration success stories and is run by Deborah Spencer who set up Design Junction, one of the biggest design shows in Europe for the last decade and Sam Peters, former Sunday Times journalist. We speak with Sam, to find out more about it. Planted is all about reconnecting people…

Biophilic Design and its Impact on Atmospheric Perception

Biophilic Design and its Impact on Atmospheric Perception

Biophilic Design is becoming increasingly recognised as an essential design element in interiors and architecture. Lâl Dalay recently published the results of her research on “The Impact of Biophilic Design Elements on the Atmospheric Perception of the Interior Space”. We speak to her today about how biophilc design elements have an impact on people. Her focus is on the sensory effect the different Biophilic Design enhancements have on us…