How does Biophilic Design work? Why does being in nature help us perform better? Why do amazing views of nature and awe really help our creativity and cortisol levels? Why do we need better acoustics? Why is circadian lighting good for us? How do we design so we can flourish in our homes? Why is sage green the best colour for our home office? Why do we need plants? You can find and publish your own i-Journal or search our sister company The Space Doctors.

Biophilic Design is one, if not THE most evidenced of all design practices. Here we have gathered for you hundreds of articles based on science so you too can explore research, environmental psychology, acoustics, neuropsychology, colour theory and more to help you create your own library of evidence to take to your clients.

To help you search for your own evidence we have partnered with the new FIDO publishing revolution (Find Information Direct and Optimised) which is powered by the lovely people at kaimai based up in the St Johns Innovation Park in Cambridge UK.

Enter your search term in the box below and publish your own i-Journal!

For example search for “Why is awe good for us?” “How does biophilic design work?”


Share it with your friends, save it as a PDF, show your clients.

Please use this to help you save time in your research.