“What will you search for?”
Wherever you are you can create your own Journal of Biophilic Design!
Be the FIRST to experience the revolutionary new i-Journal! Using state of the art tech and programming by an elite academic team you can now create YOUR OWN Journal using YOUR OWN search term!
We are releasing this Beta version with you here. Put in a search term, like:
“What is Biophilic Design?”
Wait a few seconds and hey presto, you’ll have your own Journal delivered to you as a PDF which you can send to yourself, and your colleagues, print out if you want to, share on socials, etc. (Note at the moment this is using the online content from our website, our main magazines will be included soon too, so bookmark this page, or better still, why not subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know when it’s live, it will speed up your research and help you win contracts as you can search for articles to support your business case to a client! Yay!).
Search our journals to Create your own mini i-Journal and get some key points to start you on your research.
Enter your search below, why not try “What is biophilic design?” or “Biophilic Design and Neurodiversity”
If you want to learn about the Science behind design and how Biophilic Design supports us psychologically, try The Space Doctors’ (our other company) i-Journal, or click on this link.
We would love to hear your feedback on the i-Journal if you have time: