
Wood - Our Connection to the Forest through Biophilic Design

Wood - Our Connection to the Forest through Biophilic Design

We often advocate that we should be incorporating wood, views of trees, wood grain, wood textures and wood veneers into our built environment as part of a Biophilic Design solution and we might also understand why from a psychological point of view and have discussed that elsewhere, but the question is HOW should we be selecting woods to incorporate, what woods should we use for instance for flooring, are they different to those used for outside timbers, are they sustainable? This is a definitive podcast on all things wood and trees. We were lucky to speak with Criswell Davis, TED speaker and internationally recognised expert on American Hardwood. He is also co-founder of the Timber and Forestry Foundation, President of Mighty Oaks Consulting and lectures all over the world on Biophilic Design and how we should be incorporating wood into our built environment. In this podcast, he shares with us, his very personal journey, and how a healthcare issue led him first-hand to experience the very big difference Biophilia made to his recovery.

His knowledge of trees, wood, veneers, finishes, biophilic design and sustainable aspect of forestry and the lumber business, was wonderful, and Criswell urges designers to add “the beauty of wood to your artist palette”, and especially please avoid all woods which come from around the world and cannot be certified as legally harvested. There is so much more in this podcast, if you use woods in your practice, this is definitely one to listen to.

Can Biophilic Design help Climate Change?

Can Biophilic Design help Climate Change?

Alexander Verbeek is Policy Director of the EDRC (the Environmental Development Resource Centre in Brussels), he is an environmentalist, public speaker, diplomat and former strategic policy advisor at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I came to know Alexander through his independent newsletter The Planet (published on Substack). We spoke during COP26, Alexander was also speaking at the conference, but with Biophilic Design being such an important solution in the built environment to some of the climate issues, I wanted to speak with Alexander to hear his thoughts on how the climate crisis is shaking the foundations of life on our planet across the world.

So listen on, he sets the scene, starting with his early life camping in nature with his family, right through to his work on climate change as a spokesperson and diplomat. We also talk about COP26, and he discusses how climate change is impacting global security and that “there is no time to lose”, we need visionary leaders, more diplomats, and a system change. We introduce Biophilic Design solutions in cities and how this can help. “I am fully behind what you do”, he says. He says that in a recent survey it was found that 10% of youth in the UK over the past year did not spend even a minute in nature. This is not hiking up mountains, but even in a city park. He calls for proper education programmes in schools where we should learn to understand and respect nature. He also says, when we build a home or a new neighbourhood, we should plant trees, these are the best carbon capture and storage that the world has ever designed. This should not be perceived as a luxury, but as essential. We discuss how trees in cities have enormous positive impact on our psychological welbeing but also how with climate change impacting our built environment so harshly, tress can help cities withstand the heatwaves. He also raises the fact that poorer neighbourhoods often have less trees, which of course impacts on so many aspects of the lives. Design should include this synergy with nature, we should be closer to nature in our every day lives, so we are much more prepared to deal with the new demands on us in our rapidly changing climate. We will be seeing more extreme heatwaves, heavier downpours. We need environments to help sustain life.

This is very much a wake up call for Biophilic Design solutions in our built environment to help deal with the climate crises.

Botanic Shed 10 minute tip - 1 Soil

Botanic Shed 10 minute tip - 1 Soil

In the first of a series of short 10 minute podcasts with our partner Lara Cowan at The Botanic Shed, School of Nature, where she shares tips and science on why and how nature is good for us. Today we talk about Soil. You will learn some surprising facts about soil, from he smell, the bacteria, the negative ions therein and more. She also suggests a few things you can plant out at the weekend, from Broad beans to leeks… to get you out of the house and engaging in the gorgeousness of soil..

Wild Urban Spaces - Bringing the Miyawaki Method to Cities

Wild Urban Spaces - Bringing the Miyawaki Method to Cities

Rapid Growth Urban Forest Creation... to me it seems like a dream concept, being able to rewild urban environments quickly to help the environment, bring biodiversity, create wildlife corridors, rooftop forests, school bee forests, support community and individual health and wellbeing and more... The Miyawaki Method of rapid forestation is based on observing and mimicking nature. These forests are maintenance free in 3 years. This is a fascinating conversation with James Godfrey-Faussett, founder of Wild Urban Spaces, practitioner and advocate of the Miyawaki Method, where you will learn how James and his team densely plant indigenous trees at a mix of canopy heights, which kinds of trees, where you can go an see and experience one…