environmental psychology

How our Brains respond to Biophilic Design

 How our Brains respond to Biophilic Design

In a world increasingly disconnected from nature, the principles of biophilic design offer a powerful antidote.

Chintamani Bird, an Australian designer committed to biophilic design, shared her insights on how Biophilic Design can heal both people and the planet. She emphasizes that biophilic design has a profound impact on the brain, reducing stress, improving cognitive function, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, and enhancing overall mood and well-being.

As the Journal of Biophilic Design expands to Australia in 2025, this is the first in a series of interviews with leading names in Biophilic Designers from that side of the globe and who champion the transformative potential of this design philosophy.

At the heart of Biophilic Design is the recognition that humans have an innate need to connect with the natural world. "Biophilic design has the opportunity to heal and heal through biodiversity, heal the soil, heal the environment, heal communities," Chintamani emphasized.

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Sustainable Habitats for Sustainable Habits?

Sustainable Habitats for Sustainable Habits?

When you climb up a tree, don’t we see life from a different perspective? We realise we part of something bigger than ourselves, we see an overview of everything and it helps us understand our place in the world more. It is also true, that generally many people and businesses seem to have a distorted relationship with nature, but as Environmental Psychologist and Design professional Anicee Bauer of “Humans in Trees” puts it: “we are nature”. Can Biophilic Design really encourage a more sustainable lifestyle, and why should the Workplace include Biophilic Design in order to help reach that NetZero target?

In this podcast, she shares with us the three fascinating levels in her consultancy process. We touch on Wabi-Sabi design strategies, Aristotelian intellectual moral virtues, spirituality, reconnecting with the fun we feel in nature and Einstein… come join us…

Psychoacoustics - an introduction; the importance of Biophilic Design for our ears and brains

Psychoacoustics - an introduction; the importance of Biophilic Design for our ears and brains

What is psychoacoustics and why should we care about it? Paige Hodsman, concept developer for Saint-Gobain Ecophon explains how the psychology of how we perceive sound is essential for our health and wellbeing. She explains how humans react to sound stimulus directly relates to our performance at work for instance. This helps us understand how people respond to their environment and how we can design better spaces. Did you know that biophilic improvements to a space has a positive impact on our brains through our hearing too? The vast experience of humans have been outside, in fact we are particularly suited to being in a natural environment, in fact neuronal activity is greater when we hear natural sounds.

Beyond the Workplace Zoo

Beyond the Workplace Zoo

We’ve not been in our respective “Workplace Zoos” for over a year now as a result of “Lockdown” and we’ve got an opportunity RIGHT NOW to improve those spaces we work in. So argues Dr Nigel Oseland, who many of you might know as the inquisitive environmental psychologist, behaviourist, statistics sleuth, author, agent of change and broadcaster. Nigel argues that contrary to some workplace strategists (and employers worried about the bottom line) we should NOT get rid of space, instead we should make the most of it. Reduce the desks yes, but not the space. He describes how we should be…



This is a bonus podcast based on Environmental Psychology where we interview Dr Sally Augustin to pick up advice on home design. We look at our homes from the point of view of a New Season and that it brings with it itchy feet or a desire to spring clean and switch up the interiors of your home. Maybe this year more than ever we've been in Lockdown for months now, all over the world, we've had time to look at the four walls we are living and working in, and we either love them or loathe them!

Lockdown Office Blues? How Biophilic Design can revolutionise your workplace at home and in the office.

Lockdown Office Blues? How Biophilic Design can revolutionise your workplace at home and in the office.

At the end of this podcast you’ll be well-armed with enough interior design tips all based on science, to transform your office to create the best environment to help you focus, be creative, stay calm, feel rested and be productive! You will learn how to move your furniture around to create a prospect and refuge scenario to help you get more done, how wood grain helps you feel more comfortable, why views of natural elements, and views of nature are important, why you need natural light to enhance our circadian rhythm, how to change the soundscape and scentscape in your offices and homes to help keep everyone happy and relaxed and able to focus!