Welcome to the home of The Journal of Biophilic Design. Each issue brings you knowledge, inspiration, case studies, conversations, ideas, research, psychology, ecology, environmental debate, how to design and help businesses reach net zero, how to increase biodiversity, what impact new architectural practices are bringing to sustainable design, how interior designers are using biophilic design in their practice to improve wellbeing and increase profitability, how biophilic design improves the whole value chain from real estate to employee costs. Plus lots more. Each issue has a section focused on that issue’s subject (so Workplace, Home, Healthcare, etc) and then a section on the Science behind Biophilic Design, Plants, Wellbeing, The Environment and Cities. Plus we often finish off, like we do in our podcast series, with the Magic Brush of Biophilia…

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If you would like to write for the Journal, please view the submission guidelines here, and email your ideas please to editor@journalofbiophilicdesign.com

Some of the biophilic design articles from issue 3 - Healthcare

Some of the Biophilic Design articles from issue 4 - Cities

Would you like to submit an idea for content to the Journal, click here for submission guidelines.

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Archive Blog articles.

Before we published the magazine we blogged articles on Biophilic Design. Below are some earlier blog articles which we shared. Going forward we will be updating this “blog” area with more news releases, etc in due course. But in the meantime, please do buy the ebook and printed copies of the magazine through the links above. If you would like to contribute to the magazine please email editor@journalofbiophilicdesign.com or if you would like to sponsor it kindly email promotions@journalofbiophilicdesign.com