nature views

Biophilic Design: Reconnecting Humanity with Nature Through Sustainable Architecture - Nomadic Resorts

Biophilic Design: Reconnecting Humanity with Nature Through Sustainable Architecture - Nomadic Resorts

We recently published Issue 11 of the Journal of Biophilic Design which had a focus on Hotels and leisure and to celebrate this, we are thrilled to have Louis Thompson, Founder of Nomadic Resorts with us on this podcast. 

Nomadic Resorts were one of the finalists in the 2023 Stephen Kellert Biophilic Design award. We were delighted to partner with Living Future Europe to co-publish the book of winners and shortlisted entries of the 2023 Stephen Kellert Biophilic Design Award.

In a world increasingly dominated by concrete and steel, one man is on a mission to rekindle our innate connection with the natural world. Louis, founder of Nomadic Resorts, is pioneering a revolutionary approach to architecture that seamlessly blends human habitats with the surrounding environment.

Louis' journey began not in the halls of design schools, but in the remote corners of the Indian Ocean. After studying European politics, he found himself drawn to the hospitality industry, honing his skills at the luxury resort operator Six Senses. It was here that he discovered his true calling – to create spaces that not only cater to the needs of guests, but also nurture their well-being and foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

Charlotte Church - The Dreaming

Charlotte Church - The Dreaming

Reconnecting with Nature: Charlotte' Church’s Biophilic Retreat offers Healing and Wonder. The Elan Valley, nestled in the heart of mid-Wales, is a hidden gem of serene beauty and wild grandeur. Here, the landscape unfurls in soft, rolling hills, dotted with ancient woodlands and heather-clad slopes, while the deep, verdant valleys are carved by the meandering course of crystal-clear rivers. The air is fresh, tinged with the earthy scent of moss and pine, and the sky, often painted in hues of blue or grey, seems endless above this tranquil expanse.

Here is where The Dreaming is.

The Dreaming, which is a haven and a place of retreat for everyone, is the creation of Charlotte Church. Charlotte. Is known to many as a singer, but maybe fewer know her as a visionary of this beautiful space in Wales. It’s a place where she is manifesting her vision to help people reconnect with nature, both inside and out, where biophilia threads through the hills, waterfalls, valleys and right into the house where you stay.

And it is this house which is the epitome of Biophilic Design. It is designed not only with heart and honesty, but has been a work of love by Charlotte and the designers who helped create this home. The former home of the designer, Laura Ashley has fallen into disrepair when Charlotte came across the land.

Turning her desire to make a difference in the world for people and planet, the land informed her decision to create a retreat centre, transforming the land and the house into a Biophilic haven.

In a secluded corner of the Welsh countryside, internationally renowned singer-songwriter Charlotte has created a sanctuary that blends the power of nature, music, and design. The Dreaming, her newly opened retreat centre, is a testament to her lifelong passion for the restorative qualities of the natural world.

How our Brains respond to Biophilic Design

 How our Brains respond to Biophilic Design

In a world increasingly disconnected from nature, the principles of biophilic design offer a powerful antidote.

Chintamani Bird, an Australian designer committed to biophilic design, shared her insights on how Biophilic Design can heal both people and the planet. She emphasizes that biophilic design has a profound impact on the brain, reducing stress, improving cognitive function, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, and enhancing overall mood and well-being.

As the Journal of Biophilic Design expands to Australia in 2025, this is the first in a series of interviews with leading names in Biophilic Designers from that side of the globe and who champion the transformative potential of this design philosophy.

At the heart of Biophilic Design is the recognition that humans have an innate need to connect with the natural world. "Biophilic design has the opportunity to heal and heal through biodiversity, heal the soil, heal the environment, heal communities," Chintamani emphasized.

Listen and Read on...

Designing Climate Change Resilience

Designing Climate Change Resilience

Nature is our key to solving the climate crisis, if we reconnect people with nature, bring nature and natural elements closer to people then everything is more joined up. Better decisions will be made. Dom Higgins, head of Health and Education for the Wildlife Trusts. We speak about Nature connectedness, biodiversity, purpose, people, place, Cone Snails and the new Natural History GCSE… among other things. We need to give nature a chance, we might be too late to prevent climate change, but we can mitigate against the challenges such as cooling cities, carbon sinks, cleaning our air, and ecosystems that can mitigate the issues. We need people to take action, so we need to hear it on the Stock Exchange, Factories, taxis, it should be the business of everybody.

We talk about how we need active environments, and how it goes back to when we were hunter-gatherers. If you remove people inside and then we remain stationary, then we stress. We should be outside, away from artificial lights and all the accoutrements of the modern-day office (unless it has biophilic design woven into its very fabric). Take anyone away from connecting with nature and we get chronic stress. The disconnection detrimentally affects us physically and mentally.

We discuss this nature-connectedness, that feeling of understanding what is going on in the world, that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. We need that daily thought, that sense of knowing that everything has a place, and is connected back to everything else. This is our life-support system essentially. If we don’t design with that sense at our core, then our planet and our health are doomed. If you don’t have that feeling, that sense of connectedness with nature innate within you, then the decisions being made around the world are skewed, everything from creating fair and sustainable employment to the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. It has consequences. And not good ones.

The Asklepeion - Healing and “Biophilic Design” in the Ancient World

The Asklepeion - Healing and “Biophilic Design” in the Ancient World

Did you know that the principles of “Biophilic Design” have been around for a long time? We might not have called it that, but architects were using the concepts in their built environment. We speak with expert Dr Patty Baker on the ancient world places of healing, particularly the design of the Asklepeion which were buildings and spaces sacred to the god of healing, Asklepios. In this podcast you'll learn who Asklepios was and how his sanctuaries and places of healing were designed to help aid rest, recuperation and healing.

We speak about how the ancient Greeks and Romans had healing centres everywhere, how they brought the “outside” in, how nature played a big part in providing the positive and beautiful setting for these health centres.

They felt that the whole body needed treating, inside and outside the body and also that our senses were key to all this. So it wan’t just what you heard, and could smell, the fresh air but also what you saw. These sanctuaries were surrounded by green and that “fresh” and healthy view was a key to healing.

Let there be Light... and Circadian Rhythms

Let there be Light... and Circadian Rhythms

How much do we love to be outside on a fresh bright day, clear blue sky, gentle breeze on our skin, fresh air in our lungs? Our whole body seems rejuvenated and reborn. Well, it's not just all in the mind, it is a physical reaction too. Living in harmony with nature and natural rhythms as we can, keeps us happy and healthy. Eloise Sok-Paupardin, occupant experience and sustainability lead for SageGlass, discusses how important natural light is, how views are essential to our wellbeing as well as regulation of temperature, and more.

When we mess up the natural rhythms of the day by using too much of the same brightness and colour light for hours and hours a day, we mess up our internal body clock.

Eloise demonstrates the new Sageglass technology, an intelligent glass that reacts to sunlight, and which can be manually activated to reduce glare, heat through the glass, vary the amount of sunlight, etc, while still maintaining views outside.

This a really interesting video and podcast, as Eloise stresses the need for everyone's "right to light" and how it is important to create beautiful and good design, but never at the price of the planet…