
The Sound of Silence - How Noise is destroying our connection to nature and each other

The Sound of Silence - How Noise is destroying our connection to nature and each other

Julian, renowned for his TED talks, reveals how modern human-generated noise is systematically destroying ecosystems, disrupting animal communication, and fundamentally altering our relationship with the environment. From whales struggling to communicate across oceans due to shipping noise to insects experiencing shortened mating cycles near roadways, the acoustic pollution is devastating.

The consequences extend far beyond environmental damage. Our inability to truly listen is fracturing human society. Julian argues that we've lost the art of compassionate listening, creating dangerous social echo chambers where people only hear opinions that confirm their existing beliefs.

Critically, our noise-saturated world is causing serious health problems. Julian highlights that hospitals are 12 times louder than recommended levels, preventing patient recovery. Classrooms bombard children with sound levels that could increase heart attack risks. A billion young people risk hearing damage from excessive headphone use.

But there's hope. Julian advocates for radical reimagining of our sonic environments. Simple interventions like playing nature sounds, training medical staff to be quieter, and teaching children listening skills could transform societal outcomes.


"We've become numb to sound," Julian explains. Humans now spend 93% of their lives indoors, sealed away from natural soundscapes of wind, water, and birdsong - sounds our ancestors evolved alongside for hundreds of thousands of years.

The consequences extend far beyond environmental damage. Our inability to truly listen is fracturing human society. Julian argues that we've lost the art of compassionate listening, creating dangerous social echo chambers where people only hear opinions that confirm their existing beliefs.

Critically, our noise-saturated world is causing serious health problems. Julian highlights that hospitals are 12 times louder than recommended levels, preventing patient recovery. Classrooms bombard children with sound levels that could increase heart attack risks. A billion young people risk hearing damage from excessive headphone use.

Read on and Watch the interview…

Healthy Hospital Street – How Biophilic Design is transforming healthcare in cities.

Healthy Hospital Street – How Biophilic Design is transforming healthcare in cities.

In the heart of London, a quiet revolution is underway, one that is set to transform the way we experience our urban environments. At the forefront of this movement is Scott Carroll and LDA Design, landscape architects whose visionary projects are redefining the relationship between people and nature.

Their work at Great Ormond Street Hospital, a renowned children's medical facility, is a prime example of how biophilic design can heal the wounds of the built environment.

"Great Ormond Street Hospital, in common with many of London's hospitals, faces massive challenges in the streets and spaces around it," Scott explains. "It's a vehicle-dominated environment, lacking in high-quality space for people and nature." The consequences are dire, with air pollution levels exceeding World Health Organization recommendations and a severe shortage of green spaces for the hospital community and local residents.

The Spine - Liverpool: How Biophilic Design was used to create the highest WELL Certified Building in the World…

The Spine - Liverpool: How Biophilic Design was used to create the highest WELL Certified Building in the World…

How does a passion for biophilic design, which stems from a desire to improve an architect and designer’s own health, lead to the design of a major new healthcare building? For Steven Edge, founder of Salvage Sustainable Design, his personal interest in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) expanded into advocacy of Biophilic Design in buildings. We catch up with and discuss his recent project, commissioned by Manchester based architects AHR in 2017, where he acted as biophilic design consultant for their client the Royal College of Physicians’ new £35, million HQ in Liverpool.  The Spine opened in the Spring of 2021 and with 109 out of a possible 110 WELL Credits, the highest of any (over 26,000) WELL certified buildings in the world, its set to become one of the healthiest buildings in the world.

Steven is a biophilic design consultant, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, with over 40 years’ experience in academia and the design and construction industry. He shares his background, starting with work in architecture and interior design, and his growing interest in sustainability and healthy materials.

Talking about biophilic design principles used in The Spine, Steve describes how The Royal College of Physicians wanted to create a building that would make people feel healthier when they left it than when they entered; a brief that was fully met. Because it's a college as well as Office Spaces, they have young surgeons who would also be diagnosing real patients’ problems in this new building.

The design, led by architect Rob Hopkins, drew inspiration from the human body, with elements like the "skin" of the building and the "spine" staircase.

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST... and read on...

Living in Balance and Symbiosis with Nature through Biophilic Design

Living in Balance and Symbiosis with Nature through Biophilic Design

How can Biophilic Design be used to create happier and healthier environments? Ben Channon is an architect, author, TEDx speaker and mental wellbeing advocate, and is well known as a thought leader in designing for happiness and wellbeing. As a Director at the wellbeing design consultancy Ekkist, he helps clients and design teams to create healthier places, and researches how buildings and urban design can impact how we feel. He also offers talks on workplace mental health, productivity and company culture, sharing his philosophy that happier staff are better staff.

Ben developed an interest in design for mental health, wellbeing and happiness after suffering with anxiety problems in his mid-twenties. His search for solutions to his personal issues led to him unearthing lots of amazing research including in the realm of environmental psychology, which proved that the environment we spend time in has a huge impact on how we feel, think, behave and interact with other people. All this led him to research the relationship between buildings and happiness, which formed the basis of his first book: ‘Happy by Design’. Ben’s second book ‘The Happy Design Toolkit’ - which offers more practical advice on how to create buildings for our mental wellbeing (published in March 2022) which gives people the tools to implement the principles of Happy Design.

Ben makes it clear that progress towards Happy Design doesn’t have to be in big steps.  He advocates using ‘nudge’ psychology; making small but significant changes that encourage healthier, happier behaviours, to add “little bits of joy” wherever we can, creating uplifting places and spaces that add elements of joy.

Biophilic Design is increasingly more widely embraced, but long-term thinking and better education are required for the benefits of a biophilic approach to be fully realised. Listening to this podcast is a fantastic way to start that journey as Ben’s advocacy of the benefits of biophilic design is clear and compelling....

Can the NHS embrace Biophilic Design?

Can the NHS embrace Biophilic Design?

Dr Leighton Phillips Director of Research, Innovation and University Partnerships for the NHS Wales, Honorary Professor Aberystwyth University, and director on the Hywel Dda University Health Board joins us to share how they are bringing in Biophilic Design into healthcare in South West Wales. Part of his role is about questioning what we want the future to look like.

Dr Phillips shares with us how fundamentally important the natural environment is, how it profoundly influences our health and wellbeing. What he finds captivating about biophiilc design, is that there is an opportunity. “With over 1200 hospitals, and a million staff and nearly everyone in the UK having some interaction with the NHS services just imagine the health and planetary impact of the NHS embracing biophilic design.” ….

The Walls are Alive! The Beauty of Greening our Cities - inside and out.

The Walls are Alive! The Beauty of Greening our Cities - inside and out.

From designing a detailed picture of the New York Skyline in moss to how we need to design with biophilia to help mitigate climate change this great podcast with Lily Turner explores how we are just starting to realise the very real benefits that Living walls can bring to our cities, and our work and healing spaces.

 Lily Turner is an environmentalist, biophilic designer and living wall specialist. She's also the director of green walls at Urban Strong, the design-build maintenance firm offering services for green building technology solutions. In 2013, she co-founded Urban Blooms a non-profit to bring large-scale, publicly accessible living walls to dense urban environments. It was after Hurricane Katrina she was rebuilding homes, restoring landscapes, repairing drip irrigation systems and fields and got to do a lot of great community projects which inspired her to launch Urban Blooms, which aims to bring greenery back into the built environment to benefit people in the community.

Plants @ Work…and Home… and in every room

Plants @ Work…and Home… and in every room

As National Plants at Work week comes to a close, we celebrate all things plants in this great interview with ambassador and passionate interior and exterior planting designer, Ian Drummond. Plants at Work week takes place once a year, and aims to promote the many benefits of having plants in the workplace and in the past the designers for Plants at Work week have decorated all kinds of things from a Thames Clipper to a London black cab.

In this really passionate interview, be inspired and learn which plants are good where, why we need plants at every stage of our lives. Ian has worked with so many really interesting people, including Elton John, Chelsea Flower Show, BAFTA, London Fashion Week, I left the interview feeling ‘what a cool job he’s got’. Seriously, if you are thinking of working with plants, have a listen to this podcast or share with someone who is considering a career in plants, you’ll definitely leave the podcast impassioned too.

Ian started his passion for plants at a young age. He grew up in a council estate surrounded by concrete. One of his family gave him a house plant and it grew from there. One of the most powerful things he said, was how wonderful it would be if there was an opportunity for everyone to have living nature around them, if all communal spaces had a green oasis for everyone to spend time in. You don’t need a big investment, we need to open up our minds as to what’s important, developers and architects need to consider “green”. Not everyone can get outside, so bring the outside in, let’s fill schools, classrooms with plants. It should be an automatic thing, we should grow up surrounded by plants.

He shares with us how we can create “shelfies”, why Vanda Orchids are terrific, why we need Monsteras and how Zamioculcas are hard to kill! So some tips there for newbies to planting! His new book “At Home with Plants” shares ideas for what to plant in every room in the house. As he says, and I agree (!), every room should have plants!