
Reimagining Workplaces: The Green Revolution in Design - Interviews from the Workspace Design Show 2025

Reimagining Workplaces: The Green Revolution in Design - Interviews from the Workspace Design Show 2025

Catching up with some designers leading the way for workplace transformation at the Workspace Design Show in February this year, we learnt that there are more and more designers championing biophilic design as more than just a trend—it's a critical response to human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Gurvinder Khurana from M Moser Associates cuts to the heart of the matter: "We are over 70% water, and [nature] resonates with us." This sentiment echoes throughout the conversation, revealing biophilic design as a profound connection between human experience and natural environments.

The designers unanimously agree that workspaces are no longer just functional spaces, but essential ecosystems that directly impact mental health and productivity. Nikos Papapetrou from Sheppard Robson provocatively argues that sustainability isn't just about materials, but "how you make people feel."

Seeing the Light: How Biophilic Lighting Design improves Health and Wellbeing

Seeing the Light: How Biophilic Lighting Design improves Health and Wellbeing

In a world increasingly dominated by artificial environments, the importance of reconnecting with nature has never been more crucial. Xander Cadisch, head of the independent research arm Light Tribe of Phos, is on a mission to illuminate the science behind biophilic design and its profound impact on human behaviour. He explores the electromagnetic spectrum explaining how light is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, which includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, and ultraviolet. - As you move from red to violet in the visible light spectrum, the wavelength gets shorter and the frequency increases. He goes on to share WHY this is important to us when we design spaces.

Xander explains how we emerged out of the sea and how our eyes still carry those salt water ducts which are reminders of where we evolved from. He goes on to explain the evolutionary journey that has hardwired our brains to respond to the natural rhythms of light and colour. "We've always had these intrinsic links to the rising and setting of the sun and all these different colour variations and intensities and wavelengths that the sun gives us at night, at daytime, and then removed at night."

However, the modern human now spends a staggering 90% of their time indoors, deprived of this vital connection. "It's less than the legal requirement for maximum security prisoners," he says. This disconnect has profound consequences, as our eyes and brains are wired to thrive on the sensory experiences found in the natural world.

"Light is one of the main guiding forces to the world around us," he says. "Potentially  80% of how we interact with the world around us comes from what we see." From the way certain wavelengths can influence our mood and productivity, to the importance of shadows and contrast in creating a sense of harmony, the science behind lighting design is complex and often overlooked.

The Spine - Liverpool: How Biophilic Design was used to create the highest WELL Certified Building in the World…

The Spine - Liverpool: How Biophilic Design was used to create the highest WELL Certified Building in the World…

How does a passion for biophilic design, which stems from a desire to improve an architect and designer’s own health, lead to the design of a major new healthcare building? For Steven Edge, founder of Salvage Sustainable Design, his personal interest in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) expanded into advocacy of Biophilic Design in buildings. We catch up with and discuss his recent project, commissioned by Manchester based architects AHR in 2017, where he acted as biophilic design consultant for their client the Royal College of Physicians’ new £35, million HQ in Liverpool.  The Spine opened in the Spring of 2021 and with 109 out of a possible 110 WELL Credits, the highest of any (over 26,000) WELL certified buildings in the world, its set to become one of the healthiest buildings in the world.

Steven is a biophilic design consultant, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, with over 40 years’ experience in academia and the design and construction industry. He shares his background, starting with work in architecture and interior design, and his growing interest in sustainability and healthy materials.

Talking about biophilic design principles used in The Spine, Steve describes how The Royal College of Physicians wanted to create a building that would make people feel healthier when they left it than when they entered; a brief that was fully met. Because it's a college as well as Office Spaces, they have young surgeons who would also be diagnosing real patients’ problems in this new building.

The design, led by architect Rob Hopkins, drew inspiration from the human body, with elements like the "skin" of the building and the "spine" staircase.

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST... and read on...

Right Light, Right Place, Right Time

Right Light, Right Place, Right Time

Steve Tonkin is the Dark Sky Advisor to Cranborne Chase National Landscape, in Wiltshire. Cranborne Chase is a designate Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty that, since 2019, has been recognised as an International Dark Sky Reserve.

Steve can pinpoint 4 October 1957 as the first became aware of dark skies. His family were, at the time, living 8 miles outside Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and his father took him outside to see if they could see Sputnik which had been launched the previous day. It was his first time looking up at a pristine dark sky and it triggered a life-long passion for astronomy which has made him aware of the effects of light pollution, and he has been raising the issue with anyone who will listen for the last 30 years.

After a first career as a telecommunications engineer, he did a BSc in Human Environmental Studies, then postgraduate work in technology policy, before training as a teacher. He taught physics, maths and astronomy in a variety of settings for 35 years, before retiring from teaching to concentrate on astronomy outreach activities. He has written several books on practical astronomy, has a monthly column in BBC Sky at Night Magazine, and is a regular speaker on astronomical topics.

Starting with a programme he made for BBC Radio Bristol in the 1980s, Steve has long been an advocate of reducing light pollution. He supported the Cranborne Chase’s International Dark Sky Reserve bid as a volunteer, taking sky quality readings and supporting the stargazing evenings by giving talks and showing people the night sky. His primary task as Dark Skies Advisor is to continue and consolidate the good work that has already been done and strengthen the Cranborne Chase’s standing as an International Dark Sky Reserve.

Light pollution is a global issue. The pollution itself is known to affect human health and wildlife behaviour and that is before considering the wasted energy involved in sending light upwards instead of downwards to where it is required. To take a Biophilic approach to the design of lighting is to reduce light pollution with direct and indirect benefits to nature… READ ON and LISTEN to the PODCAST…

The Fluid Beauty of Light - Lighting the Workplace

The Fluid Beauty of Light - Lighting the Workplace

We are diurnal species, we were born under natural light, we have an ingrained ability to imagine and contextualise natural light in our heads. A Biophilic approach to lighting pulls on those cues inwards into the built environment. We spend hours and hours inside, and in the workplace we need spaces that will empower us to do our best work, to flourish, to keep us healthy and as a simple baseline, to also enjoy coming to work. Gary Thornton is speaking at the Workplace Trends “Evolving Ways of Working” conference on 18 October 2022 in London and we catch up with him beforehand to discuss just how should we be applying Biophilic lighting to our Workplaces.

A lot of things in the workplace are static, but what can shift during the day is lighting. It can influence our behaviour, the look and feel of a space, more so than any other discipline. That is one reason why lighting is so important, but is also one of the unsung heroes of a space. Historically, we have lit spaces for paper-based work, instead of considering a great deal of our work is screen-based, so there is a lot of overlighting. In this podcast, Gary outlines a lighting schema that considers first how people use the space, how to enhance not only the horizontal space (desks etc) but also the verticals (the walls which can look drab and dull if not lit properly). He suggests lighting spaces which create an experience, a destination to enhance the wellbeing and also positive perception and feeling of a space.