Indoor Garden Design

Indoor Garden Design

Ever struggled with over watering your plants? Or going the other end of the spectrum and leaving them like they've had a month in the Sahara? There are tips on different plant species which are great ideal starter plants, plus also advice on which plants are best for helping get rid of air pollutants. At the end of the podcast, you too will be excited about creating green spaces in your workplaces and homes…

Biophilic Design in the New Workplace

Biophilic Design in the New Workplace

Creating New Environments with Plants and Biophilic Design - Personalisation of space is a key message in this podcast with Kenneth Freeman, Biophilic Design and horticultural consultant. He shares with us, tips on how Biophilic Design supports and benefits the whole person, how it enhances a whole sensory environment. Some designers might separate off those elements from Biophilic Design, but they are all an integral part, including views, improved acoustics, lighting, ergonomics and when used together provides us with an holistic solution. It's all about comfort…

4 Key Elements of Biophilic Architectural Design

4 Key Elements of Biophilic Architectural Design

When you design with Biophilia in mind, you can transform buildings for the better. We look at Case Studies of Residential Architecture which use Biophilic Design to bring light, texture and inspiration to homes. Amos Goldreich of AG Architecture, an award-winning architectural practice shares with us his vision and how and why Biophilic Design were important in these spaces in relation to those who were using them and discusses 4 key elements of Biophilic Design..

Planted Cities

Planted Cities

There’s an awesome event coming up in London which you should attend if you can. Planted Cities. It is going to be held in one of London’s greatest regeneration success stories and is run by Deborah Spencer who set up Design Junction, one of the biggest design shows in Europe for the last decade and Sam Peters, former Sunday Times journalist. We speak with Sam, to find out more about it. Planted is all about reconnecting people…

Wild Urban Spaces - Bringing the Miyawaki Method to Cities

Wild Urban Spaces - Bringing the Miyawaki Method to Cities

Rapid Growth Urban Forest Creation... to me it seems like a dream concept, being able to rewild urban environments quickly to help the environment, bring biodiversity, create wildlife corridors, rooftop forests, school bee forests, support community and individual health and wellbeing and more... The Miyawaki Method of rapid forestation is based on observing and mimicking nature. These forests are maintenance free in 3 years. This is a fascinating conversation with James Godfrey-Faussett, founder of Wild Urban Spaces, practitioner and advocate of the Miyawaki Method, where you will learn how James and his team densely plant indigenous trees at a mix of canopy heights, which kinds of trees, where you can go an see and experience one…

The Joy of Silk

The Joy of Silk

A familiar face to thousands of TV viewers, award-winning interior designer, George Bond first appeared on TV as co-presenter on ITV “better Homes”: with Carol Vorderman. In his own interior design practice he has transformed homes and spaces into amazing spaces. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, is a judge, served as director on various professional societies, but most of all he is a visionary creative interior designer…

Lockdown Office Blues? How Biophilic Design can revolutionise your workplace at home and in the office.

Lockdown Office Blues? How Biophilic Design can revolutionise your workplace at home and in the office.

At the end of this podcast you’ll be well-armed with enough interior design tips all based on science, to transform your office to create the best environment to help you focus, be creative, stay calm, feel rested and be productive! You will learn how to move your furniture around to create a prospect and refuge scenario to help you get more done, how wood grain helps you feel more comfortable, why views of natural elements, and views of nature are important, why you need natural light to enhance our circadian rhythm, how to change the soundscape and scentscape in your offices and homes to help keep everyone happy and relaxed and able to focus!

Sustainability meets Design elegance - the LINK Design

Sustainability meets Design elegance - the LINK Design

Biophilic Design has so many aspects to it, it is not just plants, greenery, light, colour ways, it is also about using natural materials in products, using natural materials to enhance a space and provide happiness and comfort to those using it. I spoke to the design team of AAID, Allen Architecture Interior Design, working together they created an hexagonal modular wall system made out of sustainable local and recycled materials which also employ local artisans and labour. Just as we do, each 'LINK” block relies on the one below, and can be adapted as shelves, planters, like little pods. Obviously the hexagon is an important shape in nature, just look inside a Bee Hive.

"Living Machines" - The Case for Plants

"Living Machines" - The Case for Plants

Carpets, glues, cigarette smoke, paints, plywood, emit gas, formaldehyde, benzene which are linked to cancer, anaemia, lung disease. These are in most workplaces and homes. We speak with Johanna Truestedt, based in Switzerland, she is Senior Consultant for Drees and Sommer on how we can improve air quality, making the working and living environment healthier by learning how the building lives.

Biophilic Design and "Em'play'ees"

Biophilic Design and "Em'play'ees"

Can play really transform our workplaces? Do we need it more than ever? Niklas Madsen is founder of Superlab, an experimental design laboratory with a main goal to study the future workplace and furniture design of tomorrow. Their book "Playful Office - the future office philosophy that will turn employees into employees' kickstarted an innovative journey, researching the benefits of creative play in the office, allowing free thought to flow in the workforce as well as engendering solutions and wellbeing for companies they work with. They are also now exploring AI and other digital tools to help transform spaces for people. Combining that with biophilic solutions has created some really interesting spaces, that encourage staff retention and productivity.

Oliver Heath - How to create Happiness, the benefits of Biophilic Design

Oliver Heath - How to create Happiness, the benefits of Biophilic Design

Biophilic design principles allow us to bring elements of nature into the built environment, especially into those places where we experience a great deal of stress. Our connection to nature can unlock so many benefits, stress washes off us, we become different people, we can think more holistically about our life and where it’s going. The impact the buildings we inhabit and work in have an enormous effect on our lives, especially now with the restrictions placed on us as a result of the Covid epidemic. With an onset of almost cabin fever, we are recognising the fact that the building we surround ourselves with has a huge impact on our physical, mental and emotional states. Nature can play a valuable role, the benefits of plants and greenery, adding personalisation, direct influence over a space, improve air quality, sunlight, fresh air, easy to improve spaces. S..

Sound without Walls - essential improved acoustics in Healthcare

Sound without Walls - essential improved acoustics in Healthcare

Sound may not be one of the first things we think of in biophilic design but what most people want from the auditory environment is intrinsically linked to nature. Further associations with the natural world are found in our sound preferences. Subjectively many people prefer outdoor sounds, for example the soft sounds of water babbling, leaves rustling and birdsong. However, much of our time is now spent inside and for patients in hospital their stay is often a continuous indoor environment with unnaturally high levels of artificial noise from which there is no escape, not even in sleep, and which are out of our control..

The New Workplace - how to use Biophilic Design

The New Workplace - how to use Biophilic Design

The New Workplace - The office is going to be very different in the future, less about ‘The’ place where you go to do work, it may be more the place where you go to be creative and collaborative. Offices may be used for the more social aspects of work, or those times where you genuinely need to cooperate or collaborate face-to-face. No longer will they be the battery farms of the past. As we emerge from Lockdown things are changing already in the way people work, where they work and the office environments themselves. We speak to Kenneth Freeman, former Head of Innovation at Ambius who has now set up his own consultancy focusing on workplace wellbeing through biophilic design, to ask him how he thinks biophilic design should be used going forward to make workers lives better, not just in the office itself but also at home.

Re-humanising and inspiring the Workplace - For Kenneth, with his background in horticulture, evaluating the effects of biophilic design is essential, helping understand scientifically how and why nature and plants at work really makes a difference to us. Through surveys, pre- and post-occupancy, as well as encouraging companies to engage their staff in the consultation process, Kenneth says this always helps shape the design of a space to make a positive impact on staff morale, communication and also helps acceptance of change. Essential in times like these.

How to use Biophilic Design - How should we decorate our offices and enrich our workspaces? What does a healthy workplace really mean? Why put plants into buildings? What about Home Offices? Should companies be supporting their staff working from home with Biophilic Design enhancement to help wellbeing and productivity? Kenneth answers these questions and more with examples of where biophilic design AND staff engagement has really made a difference.