Ever struggled with over watering your plants? Or going the other end of the spectrum and leaving them like they've had a month in the Sahara?
Join us as we talk with Victoria Kennedy and Craig Edser of Indoor Garden Design to learn some tips on caring for plants, and one easy way to help decide just how to position, water and care for your little green friends. Indoor Garden Design bring nature into workplaces, hotels, restaurants and commercial spaces and they have also launched a retail online business InTrayPlants for companies and individuals wanting to order plants for themselves and their employees.
They speak about some amazing installations they have done, explaining the different planting levels, the mix of ferns, textures, colours, sizes. How they benefit the spaces they've installed them in, including hotels near airports which have given a sense of awe and calm, ideal before travelling (the Changi Airport in Singapore is a case study in itself of the benefits of plants being used to create a positive space before and after flight!).
There are tips on different plant species which are great ideal starter plants, plus also advice on which plants are best for helping get rid of air pollutants. At the end of the podcast, you too will be excited about creating green spaces in your workplaces and homes.
To find out more about Indoor Garden Design, visit: www.indoorgardendesign.com and www.intrayplants.com
Credits: with thanks to George Harvey Audio Production for the calming biophilic soundscape that backs all our podcasts.
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