"Living Machines" - The Case for Plants

Carpets, glues, cigarette smoke, paints, plywood, emit gas, formaldehyde, benzene which are linked to cancer, anaemia, lung disease. These are in most workplaces and homes. We speak with Johanna Truestedt, based in Switzerland, she is Senior Consultant for Drees and Sommer on how we can improve air quality, making the working and living environment healthier by learning how the building lives.

If we bring in plants, nature's effective Living machines not only does it help but also has a positive psychological effect. We discuss NASA's study on the root systems of plants going through the soil which have a beneficial effect, roots are the workforce in cleaning the air, they clean faster than the leaves.

Did you know plants push air through the root system and clean air comes out? Companies are worried about enticing their staff back into the office. We chat about how people have been getting out and about, working from home, most people have plants at home, even if it is a window box with herbs. Making the office environment more comfortable, by bringing in nature, it has the immediate affect of making people feel more comfortable, it relaxes you. It brings you joy.

You can also bring in nature benefits by fitting wooden table tops, the tactile nature helps you feel very comfortable.

You don't need much to bring in the benefits of Biophilic Design. You will create an environment where people really love to work there. It is the simple things. Wood tactile, character. Even facsimiles of wood helps to relax your eyes, relieves you more than just having white table tops.

Even just an image helps, makes us feel more comfortable. One of the projects she is currently working on, she is bringing in a large scale landscape, huge print on a glass wall with big leaves, which has very interesting and positive effect on the whole space, it is a feature, you want to look at. Printing on see through materials, glass, acrylic.

Simulated views, something our publisher Argenta Wellness understands and embraces. Why not give it a try?

We also discuss RESET which is a certification for improved ventilation systems. Air quality, it’s important that you continually measure it. When you close windows, VOCs/ formaldehyde, particle matters, CO2 increase, making us tired, sick and causes our focus and energy to slip. Ultimately if you have a better ventilation system, you will save money on staff sick days, improve staff retention and therefore save on recruitment costs and so on.

To find out more and to connect with Johanna Truestedt, or visit Drees and Sommer

For more information on RESET, there’s an article on their website.

Credits: with thanks to George Harvey Audio Production for the calming biophilic soundscape that backs all our podcasts.

Photo credits: CSS Insurance Switzerland, Root, Copyright Gataric Fotografie, Drees&Sommer Office Zürich, Copyright Arnold Weihs

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