
Wool Revolution - Why every Biophilic Designer needs to know about this..

Wool Revolution - Why every Biophilic Designer needs to know about this..

In a laboratory in Manchester, a quiet revolution is brewing that could dramatically reshape the construction industry's environmental impact. LAMDA, a groundbreaking wool insulation panel, promises to challenge the dominance of petrochemical-based building materials while offering a sustainable, health-conscious alternative.

Vicente Orts Mercadillo from Vector Homes and Ruth Marie Mackrodt of Wool Insulation Wales are pioneering a material that does far more than simply keep buildings warm. Their innovation tackles multiple environmental and health challenges simultaneously.

"Construction is responsible for around 40% of global carbon emissions," explains Ruth, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable alternatives. In the UK alone, 9% of the national carbon footprint comes from manufacturing construction materials. The LAMDA panel's credentials are impressive.

Chris Packham - Why we need to build with Nature in Mind

Chris Packham - Why we need to build with Nature in Mind

With our countryside fast vanishing under concrete, there is much we can do to mitigate the loss by placing the natural world at the heart of development and planning. “Housing developments and houses themselves should be designed to provide space for both wildlife and people” – The Wildlife Trusts. But how do we get to this mindset? We were very excited to be joined by Chris Packham, naturalist, television presenter, writer, photographer, conservationist, campaigner and filmmaker. A very much respected presenter of BBC’s BAFTA Award-winning Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch series.

In our discussion, we talk about Biophilic Design and he makes an urgent call about why we need to bring nature into our built environment. “If we are not in contact with nature, how are we ever going to learn to love or recognise its true value.”