Support your body the Biophilic Way


Learn how to boost your immune system, create foundations of health, how you can support your body to help recuperation and establish foundations of health using nature. The Journal of Biophilic Design is all about how we can bring nature and natural elements into our spaces and lives to make our lives happier and healthier. One of the key things is of course our health. We speak to Owen Wiseman, an inspirational medical advisor based in Canada whose practice is based on naturopathy. We chat about everything from supporting your body with green exercise to how natural light can make a difference.


Did you know that surgical patients exposed to greater sunlight required 22% fewer opioid medications, resulting in drug cost savings of 21%, and which healthcare department is going to turn that down? We chat complex carbs, and having views of nature in our fridge (ok that last bit was me). Many medicines we buy or are prescribed are synthesised from nature, consider Aspirin which is white willow bark. We can benefit so much from healthcare working as a team, it’s not either/or is “together”, we chat about how naturopathy can work as part of the overall care team. This holistic approach and opening our minds to nature cascades to many aspects of our lives, like everything balance is key, as is education and understanding.


Biophilic Design principles are being implemented more and more in hospitals, and in Asia they are collating loads of studies and data which is proving more and more that Biophilic Design principles in the actual architecture and design of a space has such a positive and beneficial impact on the recovery and wellbeing of patients. For instance, when you are exposed to natural light actually reduced how much pain you feel.

Exposure of images of nature can encourage people to be more generous and trusting of others. Other nature-based studies have shown that communities had a greater sense of neighbourhood safety and had a reduced crime rate when green space was nearby.

Follow Owen on his Instagram Feed, Science and Nature Official Personal (@owenwisemann), have a look at his website

"We instinctively know how much better we feel when we get outdoors, but what’s the science behind it all?” - Owen Wiseman. Science & Nature is meant to communicate some of the incredible research that scientists have conducted in an easy to share format. Every Monday, we highlight the benefits of incorporating nature in various sectors from education and exercise to neighbourhoods and workplaces. On Fridays, we highlight some of the amazing organizations that support conservation and access to nature in various parts of the world.

Credits: with thanks to George Harvey Audio Production for the calming biophilic soundscape that backs all our podcasts. 

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