Future Workplaces - A Human-Centric and Holistic View

Shouldn't all employees be catered for when planning and designing a workspace? Oliver Baxter, based in Dubai, is one of a team of three who make up the Herman Miller Insight Group, their focus is holistic and human-centric. In our podcast we discuss biophilic design but also especially now, how intuition when planning workspaces is no longer appropriate, it has to be used on research, on evidence. Aligning this with actually catering for what your people actually "NEED" to do their job. Oli suggests that companies might do well to take a step back, when planning their workspaces.

It should it be about catering for everybody, knee-jerk reactions are no longer appropriate as people's lives are on the line, and we need to consider the decisions we are making now.

There are many biophilic elements companies can bring into their workplace from plants to natural materials and desk positioning. Did you know if you sleep within 6 metres of natural source of daylight you'll sleep 45 minutes longer at night? Did you know we are only sat at a desk and a chair of 30% of our time on average in the workplace and meeting rooms are generally 3 times too big? All that wasted real estate! How will this all change after Covid? This and other useful insights are in this podcast, filmed over Zoom between the UK and Dubai.

To find out more about Oliver Baxter connect on Linkedin or see trends and reports from Herman Miller Insight Group, visit their site here. There are many resources on their website, including strategies for returning to work after the Covid-19

Credits: with thanks to George Harvey Audio Production for the calming biophilic soundscape that backs all our podcasts.

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